We worship on Sundays at 11:00 am. Every 1st Sunday we celebrate Holy Communion. Evening services on other holy days. Our Sunday order of service:

- Greeting and announcements.
- Call to Worship
- Opening prayer and hymn
- Joys and concerns
- Offering
- Children’s sermon
- Scripture readings
- Sermon
- Prayer of confession and pardon
- Affirmation of Faith
- Closing hymn
Special Services
Special and seasonal services are held from time to time. Some of these are community wide and may be held at different churches. Refer to the calendar for these events.
A nursery is provided for children 4 and under. Please let the greeter know if you will require the nursery and we will connect you with our children’s minister.
Children’s Church
After the Children’s lesson, children (ages 2-10) leave the adult service to attend their own Children’s Church lead by Mackenzie Williams. With fun and fellowship, they learn how to follow God’s word in their daily lives.