Pastor Heather Locklear
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- Worship 2/16/2025 Meeting on a level plain
- Worship 2/9/2025
- Worship 2/2/2025
- Worship 1/26/2025
- Worship 1/19/2025
- Worship 1/5/2025
- Worship 12/29/2024 Singspiration
- Cut short due to Tornado warning. We continued worship in the youth classroom and sang songs from the old Cokesbury and it was beautiful.
- Worship 12/24/2024 Christmas Eve
- Cantata 12/22/2024
- Worship 12/22/2024 Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Worship 12/15/2024 Third Sunday of Advent
- Worship 12/8/2024 Second Sunday of Advent
- Worship 12/1/2024 First Sunday of Advent
- Worship 11/24/2024, Christ the King Sunday
- Worship 11/17/2024, Service: Our Mission
- Worship Chuck Collins preaching, 11/10/2024
- Worship 11/3/2024, A call to service for All Saints
- Worship 10/27/2024, Joint worship at Clover Garden UMC.
- Worship 10/20/2024, The Gift of the Church: Honoring our Commitment.
- Worship 10/13/2024.
- Worship 10/6/2024 World Communion Sunday, The Gift of Communion, the Eucharistic Blessing.
- Revival Service 9/27/2024, Rev. Dr. Suzanne Cobb, Presence
- Worship 9/27/2024 Singspiration
- Worship 9/22/2024 Presence through Connection
- Worship 9/15/2024 Incarnational Discipleship
- Worship 9/8/2024 Up and out: Acts 10
- Worship 9/1/2023 Being Grounded
- Revival Service 8/25/2024, Rev. Josh Tester, Word and Prayer.
- Worship 8/25/2024 The Lord’s Prayer Over Us
- Worship 8/18/2024
- Worship 8/11/2024
- Worship 8/4/2024 The Purpose of Prayer
- Worship 7/28/2024 Claiming Awe and Wonder
- Worship 7/21/2024 Blessed Assurance
- Worship 7/14/2024
- Worship 7/7/2024
- Worship 6/30/2024 Singspiration
- Worship 6/23/2024 Homecoming & Senior Sunday
- Worship 6/16/2024, Nick Jeffries preaching.
- Worship 6/9/2024
- Worship 6/2/2024, Chuck Collins, Light or darkness, love or hatred, grace or condemnation.
- Worship 5/26/2024, Trinity Sunday, Peace with Justice.
- Worship 5/19/2024, Pentecost, Holy Spirit Fire
- Worship 5-12-2024, Complete surrender
- Worship 5-5-2024
- Worship 4-28-2024
- Worship 4-21-2024
- Worship 4-14-2024
- Worship 4-7-2024, Singspiration
- Worship 3-31-2024, Easter Sunday
- Worship 3-24-2024, Palm Sunday, Following the example of Christ
- Worship 3-17-2024, 5th Sunday in Lent, Dying to the world; Living for Christ!
- Worship 3-10-2024, 4th Sunday in Lent, Seeing God
- Worship 3-3-2024, 3rd Sunday in Lent, Weighing God’s way
- Worship 2-25-2024, 2nd Sunday in Lent
- Worship 2-18-2204,1st Sunday in Lent Holy Discernment
Heather’s sermons can also be found directly on our Facebook page.
Rev. Julia Alliger

- Worship 1-23-2022, Body of Christ Part 2
- Worship 1-16-2022 Body of Christ Part 1
- Worship 6-5-2021, 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
Orange Cooperative Parish

- Worship 12-20-2020, Orange Cooperative Parish, Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Worship 12-13-2020, Orange Cooperative Parish, Third Sunday of Advent
- Worship 12-6-2020, Orange Cooperative Parish, Those who dream (Second Sunday of Advent)
- Worship 11-29-2020, Orange Cooperative Parish, Stay awake (First Sunday of Advent)
- Worship 11-22-2020, Christ the King Sunday
- Worship, 11-15-2020, Matthew 25:14-30, Burying the treasure
- Worship, 11-08-2020, Matthew 25:1-13, Get ready to wait
- Worship 11-01-2020
- Worship 10-25-2020, Leviticus 19, 1-2, 15-18, Invisible Neighbors
- Worship 10-18-2020, Matthew 22: 15-22, It’s complicated.
- Worship 10-11-2020, Matthew 22:1-14, Thrown out of the banquet
- Worship 10-4-202, Isaiah 25, The feast
- Worship 9-27-2020, Mathew 21:23-32, Empty words
- Worship 9-20-2020, Matthew 20: 10-16, Daily bread
- Worship 9-13-2020, Matthew 18: 21-35, Don’t feed the wrong wolf
- Worship 9-6-2020, Matthew 18:15-20, Freedom and bondage
- Worship 8-30-2020, Matthew 16:21-26, What would you give for your life?
- Worship 8-23-2020, Matthew 16:13-20, Who do you say that I am?
- Worship 8-16-2020: the 10th commandment
- Worship 8-9-2020: the 9th commandment
- Worship 8-2-2020: the 8th commandment
- Worship 7-26-2020: the 7th commandment
- Worship 7-19-2020: the 6th commandment
- Worship 7-12-2020: the 5th commandment
- Worship 7-5-2020: the 4th commandment
- Worship 6-28-2020: the 3rd commandment
- Worship 6-21-2020: the 2nd commandment
- Worship 6-14-2020: the 1st commandment
Rev. Julia Alliger (audio only)

- Sermon 2-23-2020 “FAKE NEWS” Matthew 17: 1-9
- Sermon 2-9-2020 “Including Enemies?” Matthew 5: 38-48
- Sermon 2-2-2020 “The Beloved Community“ Matthew 5: 1-12
- Sermon 1-19-2020 “Get on the Rock” John 1: 29-42
- Sermon 1-12-2020 “Stay in the Boat” Matthew 3:13-17
- Sermon 12-15-2019 “Blessing of Mary” Luke 1: 46-55 Student Associate Pastor Sarah Ruell
- Sermon 12-8-2019 “Blessing of John the Baptist” Matthew 3: 1-1
- Sermon 12-1-2019 “Blessing of the Prophets” Isaiah 2: 1-5
- Sermon 11-17-2019 “Of wolves, lambs, and skunks” Isaiah 65: 17-25
- Sermon 11-3-2019 “Saint Everybody”
- Sermon 10-13-2019 “I am grateful” Luke 17: 11-19
- Sermon 10-27-2019 “It’s A Trap” Luke 18:9-14
- Sermon 8-11-2019 “Radical Trust“ Luke 12: 32-40 The treasure of being a disciple
- Sermon 8-25-2019 “Setting the Captives Free” Luke 13: 10-17 The call to set people free
- Sermon 9-1-2019 “Outline for a Humble Life“ Luke 14:1, 7-14 Some practical suggestions about humility
- Sermon 9-8-2019 “Take Up Your Cross” Luke 14:25-33 What are we being asked to sacrifice?
- Sermon 9-15-2019 “Stupid Sheep“ Luke 15: 1-10 Disciples are called to share God’s passion for the lost