Sunday services

Sunday school

Suspended for the summer. However, in the fall we will resume our single Sunday School Class as 9:45 am on Sunday mornings. Our initial curriculum is God Provides, an adult series from Cokesbury. (The church provides these materials.) However, we will branch out to other topics based on the interests of the group. What do you want to know about the Bible or living a Christian life in today’s world? Come join us!

Children’s Church

For ages 2-10. Experience each week’s scripture w/various activities

  • Role play, Games
  • Crafts, Movies
  • Try to see the Scripture in our everyday lives
  • Emphasize prayer & reading the Bible

Bible studies

Sunday’s at 3:00 pm, we gather together via Zoom to study the text Following the Call: Living the Sermon on the Mount Together. If you care interested, use the Contact us page to request login information.